Token Fairlaunch FAQ

What NFTs are eligible for the fairlaunch?

White Hat Harry (WHH) NFTs on the IOTA EVM (check here).

What about the Shimmer NFTs (on Soonaverse and/or L2)?

We airdropped the WHH on the IOTA EVM to all holders from the Shimmer network (except 3-4 addresses that only had an SMR address on Soonaverse; reach out to us in this case).

How many tokens will be available during the fairlaunch?

500,000 $AUDIT Tokens (The rest will be locked, except for the airdrops that are linearly unlocked over 10 months through

How much $IOTA do you want to raise?

400,000 $IOTA Tokens.

Is there a maximum limit per wallet?

Yes, approx. 5,000 $IOTA per wallet.

Will the tokens be only used for liquidity?

Yes, as a company, we will not receive any $IOTA tokens from this fair launch.

Will the tokens be locked?

The LP tokens will be locked for one month.

What is the token allocation, and how long will tokens be vested?

Check out the litepaper at

When will the NFT/$AUDIT staking pool go live?

The pool will be live in several weeks after the Fairlaunch, and opting in will allow you to collect more $AUDIT rewards.

Fairlaunch Allocation.
  1. 50% is distributed to investors via LP Token (1 Month Locked).

  2. 25% goes into the LP and will be burned.

  3. 20% is used for bribing the AUDIT/IOTA Pool (3-6 Months -> Voting 6-12 Epochsโ€”Equal Distribution of IOTA token per Epoch).

  4. 5% MagicSea listing fee will be distributed to Magic LUM holders through the staking pool.

Last updated